Public relations (PR)

Journalistic articles in the media are effective and credible storytelling

Traditional media still occupy much our daily media consumption – especially among decision-makers. This makes press coverage essential for market-leading companies that want to set the agenda by using effective and credible storytelling that far exceeds the reach and potential of paid advertisements. 

Every company or organisation want to be seen and heard by its stakeholders. Therefore, they must build and maintain excellent relationships with the media - especially media of significant importance to the company. Press releases allow for an open dialogue with the media and the rest of the outside world.

Your press releases may be concerned with anything from greater, societal topics to growth numbers and product news, but other news from the company such as analyses, annual accounts and name stories also deserve coverage.

To communicate with and through the media is a discipline that requires insight into the media agenda, journalistic method and ethics within the industry. Therefore, we help various private companies and public organisations set the agenda - through counselling and writing and distributing press releases.

Our efforts work

We can help your company build meaningful relationships with relevant publics through positive media exposure. We have many years of experience in writing compelling content targeted mainstream as well as specialist media. We know who writes about what, how and why. And of course, to whom.

Our PR efforts work. We generate thousands of mentions in the media every year for our customers. This increases brand exposure which leads to more clients and increased sales. This also retains and attracts the right employees, hypes the products, creates pride and team spirit among the employees and attracts the attention of politicians, decision-makers and stakeholders.

Contact us for a meeting and learn more about how we can help increase your brand exposure in the media.